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NanOQTech is a European Union Horizon 2020 project funded through the FET Open programme. Our goal is to build nanoscale hybrid quantum devices that strongly couple to light. To achieve that, we want to create solid-state nanostructures that exploit the uniquely narrow optical transitions of rare earth ions. Within the project, we expect these devices to lead to major advances in quantum communication, quantum sensing and quantum opto-electronics.

NanOQTech objectives are:

  • to develop rare earth nanostructures with long optical and spin coherences

  • to couple these structures to optical micro-cavities to demonstrate single-ion optical quantum memories, two-qubit gates and deterministic narrowband single photon sources at 1.5 µm 

  • to build hybrid RE-graphene devices to achieve plasmon mediated ion-ion interactions

  • to fabricate hybrid RE nano-resonators to reach the strong coupling regime

  • to guide the experimental effort and prepare further advances by developing comprehensive theoretical tools.

The project gathers 9 leading experimental and theoretical European teams. The expertise of the consortium includes inorganic chemistry, solid-state and atomic physics, quantum optics and information processing, nano-electronics and photonics and nano-mechanics. An industrial partner specialized in real-time signal processing and control also strengthens the consortium. The project's objectives are pursued in the following work packages (WP):

  • WP1: Nano-materials, optical micro-cavities and control systems

  • WP2: Spin-atom-photon interfaces

  • WP3: Opto-electrical and opto-mechanical hybrid systems

  • WP4: Management, dissemination and exploitation

NanOQTech started on October 1st, 2016 and will last for 3 years with a budget of 3.38 M€.

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Philippe Goldner awarded 'Star of Europe 2020' for NanOQTech

December 16, 2020

  • Philippe Goldner receives one of the 'Etoiles de l'Europe' (Stars of Europe) awards from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, for his coordination work in NanOQTech and engagement with EU research. The awards ceremony took place on December 16, 2020.  

Article publied in Applied Physics Letters!

November 30, 2020

​​"Precision measurements of electric-field-induced frequency displacements of an ultranarrow optical transition in ions in a solid"  by S. Zhang, N. Lucic, N. Galland, R. Le Targat, P. Goldner, B. Fang, S. Seidelin and Y. Le Coq.

NanOQTech research results highlighted

September 23, 2020

Article published in Physical Review X

September 15, 2020

Article published in Nano Letters

August 25, 2020

Article published in Journal of Physical Chemistry C

August 17, 2020

Article published in Nature Communications

August 13, 2020

Article published in Journal of Applied Physics

August 03, 2020

Article published in ACS Nano

July 21, 2020

Highlight on NanOQTech results!

April 05, 2020

  • NanOQTech results are have been highlighted on the European Commission CORDIS website. Follow the link below to read the full article. 

Article published in Physical Review Applied

April 07, 2020

Article published in Modern Physics Letters B

March 17, 2020

Article published in Physical Review Research

March 11, 2020

Article published in Physical Review Research

February 19, 2020

Article published in Optics Express

February 28, 2020

Article published in Physica Status Solidi (a)

February 18, 2020

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Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - IRCP

The Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris (IRCP) coordinates NanOQTech and is in charge of material development. The Crystal and Quantum State Dynamics group at IRCP has extensive experience in the design, growth, characterization and modeling of rare-earth doped bulk or nanoscale crystals for applications in photonics, including optical information processing. In these materials, the IRCP team focuses on controlling the relaxation dynamics of optical and spin transitions. 

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Institut Néel

The Institut Néel is in charge of the nano-resonator hybrid systems in NanOQTech. The Institute is a leading laboratory in nanoscience. Within the Institute, the Nano-Optics and Force team specializes in optomechanics, hybrid quantum nanomechanical systems, nano-optics, and proximity forces measurements (Casimir forces, Atomic Force Microscopy and Magnetic Force Microscopy). 

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - SYRTE

The SYRTE Laboratory (Système de Référence Temps Espace – Space Time Reference System) is in charge of the optical measurements of the hybrid nano-resonators in NanOQTech. The laboratory is devoted to high precision measurement and modeling. It has extensive experience in ultra-high precision spectroscopic measurements, including state-of-the-art narrow-linewidth lasers both continuous waves and femtosecond (optical frequency combs). 

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

The quantum optics group at KIT is in charge of the spin-atom-photon interfaces using micro-cavities in NanOQTech. The group focuses on exploring applications of optical micro- and nano-cavities in the fields of quantum optics with solid-state systems, optical sensing, microscopy, and spectroscopy. The work builds on a particularly promising cavity design that relies on micro-machined optical fibres for experiments that include cavity-enhanced single photon sources, cavity-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes, cavity quantum electrodynamics with monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, and cavity-enhanced microscopy.

The Institute of Photonic Sciences ICFO - Quantum Photonics group

The Quantum Photonics group at ICFO is in charge of the single photon source and will participate in the work on graphene photon-plasmon switch in NanOQTech. The group is active in experimental quantum optics and quantum information science. It has a strong experience in optical quantum memories and optical spectroscopy with rare-earth doped solids. The group also has a thorough expertise in quantum communication and in the creation, manipulation and characterization of quantum states of light and matter. 

The Institute of Photonic Sciences ICFO - Quantum Nano-Electronics group

The quantum nano-electronics group at ICFO is in charge of the hybrid RE-graphene devices in NanOQTech. The group studies fundamental nano-optoelectric properties of graphene and related 2D materials. The aim is to reveal new physical (quantum) phenomena related to strong interactions between light and matter, and to develop disruptive technologies in fields such as sensing, photodetection, nanoscale light switching, non-linear optics and light harvesting. 

Lund University

The Quantum Information group at Lund University is in charge of the readout-qubit scheme and quantum gates in NanOQTech . The group has its core activities within the development of hardware for quantum computers and quantum memories based on rare-earth-ion doped inorganic crystals. 

Aarhus University

AU is in charge of theoretical developments in NanOQTech. The scientific interests of the Aarhus node are varied, dealing with basic quantum optics and quantum information science in atomic systems and in hybrid atomic, superconducting, and solid-state spin systems. The group develops methods that address the precise quantum back-action effect on probed quantum systems, collective coupling schemes to atoms and spin ensembles, and the utilization of these effects for quantum information science. 

Keysight Technologies

Keysight Technologies Inc. is the world's leading electronic test and measurement company, transforming today's measurement experience through innovation in wireless, modular, and software solutions. The Signadyne group, part of Keysight, will work closely with the scientific partners in NanOQTech to develop a state-of-the-art laser/cavity control system and further improve Keysight hardware execution technology. In addition, Keysight is the Exploitation Coordinator of the project. 

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A. Ferrier, N. Harada, M. Scarafagio, E. Briand, J-J. Ganem, I. Vickridge, A. Seyeux, P. Marcus, D. Serrano, P. Goldner, A. Tallaire, Harnessing Atomic Layer Deposition and Diffusion to Spatially Localize Rare-Earth Ion Emitters, J. Phys. Chem. C 124 (36) (2020), 19725–19735

Y. Le Coq, K. Moelmer, S. Seidelin, Position- and momentum-squeezed quantum states in micro-scale mechanical resonators, Modern Phys. Lett. B 34 (17) (2020), 2050193 

S. Welinski, A. Tiranov, M. Businger, A. Ferrier, M. Afzelius, P. Goldner, Coherence Time Extension by Large-Scale Optical Spin Polarization in a Rare-Earth Doped Crystal, Phys. Rev. X 10 (2020), 031060. 

N. Harada, A. Ferrier, D. Serrano, M. Persechino, E. Briand, R. Bachelet, I. Vickridge, J-J. Ganem, P. Goldner, A. Tallaire, Chemically vapor deposited Eu3+:Y2O3 thin films as a material platform for quantum technologies 128 (2020), 055304.

Y. Tao, Y-X. Zhang, S. Sharma, X. Zhang, Y. M. Blanter, G. E. W. Bauer, Magnon Accumulation in Chirally Coupled Magnets,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020), 107202.

A. Fossati, S. Liu, J. Karlsson, A. Ikesue, A. Tallaire, A. Ferrier, D. Serrano, P. Goldner, A Frequency-Multiplexed Coherent Electro-optic Memory in Rare Earth Doped Nanoparticles, Nano Lett. 20 (10) (2020), 7087–7093

D. Cano, A. Ferrier, K. Soundarapandian, A. Reserbat-Plantey, M. Scarafagio, A. Tallaire, A. Seyeux, P. Marcus, H. de Riedmatten, P. Goldner, F. H. L. Koppens, K-J. Tielrooij, Fast electrical modulation of strong near-field interactions between erbium emitters and graphene, Nat. Commun. 11 (2020), 4094.  

S. Liu, A. Fossati, D. Serrano, A. Tallaire, A. Ferrier, P.  Goldner,  Defect Engineering for Quantum Grade Rare-Earth Nanocrystals, ACS Nano 14 (8) (2020), 9953–9962

N. Galland, N. Lucic, B. Fang, S. Zhang, R. Letargat, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, S. Seidelin, Y. Le Coq, Mechanical tunability of an ultra-narrow spectral feature with uniaxial stress, Phys. Rev. Appl. 13 (4) (2020)

N. Galland, N. Lučić, S. Zhang, H. Alvarez-Martinez, R. Le Targat, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, B. Fang, S. Seidelin, Y. Le Coq, Double-heterodyne probing for ultra-stable laser based on spectral hole burning in a rare-earth doped crystal, Opt. Lett. 45 (7) (2020), 1930-1933.


S. Zhang, N. Galland, N. Lučić, R. Le Targat, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, B. Fang, Y. Le Coq, and S. Seidelin, Inhomogeneous response of an ion ensemble from mechanical stress, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013306 (2020)

Y-X. Zhang, Ch. Yu, K. Mølmer, Subradiant bound dimer excited states of emitter chains coupled to a one dimensional waveguide, Phys. Rev. Research,  2, 013173 (2020)

M. Scarafagio, A. Tallaire, M-H Chavanne, M. Cassir, A. Ringuedé, D. Serrano, P. Goldner, A. Ferrier, Improving the Luminescent Properties of Atomic Layer Deposition Eu:Y2O3 Thin Films through Optimized Thermal Annealing, Phys. Status Solidi A, 1900909 (2020).


Y. Yan, Y. Li, A. Kinos, A. Walther, C. Shi, L. Rippe, J. Moser, S. Kröll, X. Chen, Inverse engineering of shortcut pulses for high fidelity initialization on qubits closely spaced in frequency, Optics Express 27 (6), 8267 (2019)

S. Serrano, C. Deshmukh, S. Liu, A. Tallaire, A. Ferrier, H. de Riedmatten, P. Goldner, Coherent optical and spin spectroscopy of nanoscale Pr:Y2O3, Physical Review B 100, 14, 144304 (2019)

S. Seidelin, Y. Le Coq, K. Mølmer, Rapid cooling of a strain-coupled oscillator by an optical phase-shift measurement, Phys. Rev. A 100, 013828 (2019)

T. Zhong, P. Goldner, Emerging rare-earth doped material platforms for quantum nanophotonics, Nanophotonics 8,11, 2003 (2019)

M. Scarafaggio, A. Tallaire, K.J. Tielrooij, D. Cano, A. Grishin, M-H Chavanne, F. H. L. Koppens, A. Ringuedé, M. Cassir, D. Serrano, P. Goldner, A. Ferrier, Ultrathin Eu- and Er-Doped Y2O3 Films with Optimized Optical Properties for Quantum Technologies", J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 21, 13354-13364 (2019)


K. Debnath, Y. Zhang, K. Mølmer, Lasing in the superradiant crossover regime, Physical Review A 98, 063837 (2018)

D. Serrano, J. Karlsson, A. Fossati, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, All-optical control of long-lived nuclear spins rare-earth doped nanoparticles, Nature Commun. 9, 2127 (2018)


O. Gobron, K. Jung, N. Galland, K. Predehl, R. Le Targat, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, S. Seidelin, and Y. Le Coq, Dispersive heterodyne probing method for laser frequency stabilization based on spectral hole burning in rare-earth doped crystals, Opt. Exp. 25 (13), 15539 (2017)

J. Karlsson, N. Kunkel, A. Ikesue, A. Ferrier and P. Goldner, Nuclear spin coherence properties of 151Eu3+ and 153Eu3+ in a Y2O3 transparent ceramic, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 29 125501 (2017)

J. G. Bartholomew, K. O. Lima, A. Ferrier and P. Goldner, Optical Line Width Broadening Mechanisms at the 10 kHz Level in Eu3+:Y2O3 Nanoparticles, Nano Lett. 17 (2), 778 (2017). 


K. Mølmer, Y. Le Coq, and S. Seidelin, Dispersive coupling between light and a rare-earth-ion–doped mechanical resonator, Phys. Rev. A 94, 053804 (2016). 

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D1.7 Coherence in Er3+ nanostructures.

D1.6 Magnetic field effects on Eu3+.

D1.5 Laser and cavity control systems.

D1.4 Optimized particles and thin films.

D1.3 Optical linewidth and spin T2 in Eu3+:Y2O3 nanoparticles.

D2.6 Ion-ion interactions readout.

D2.5 Single ion readout.

D2.4 Single-ion quantum memory.

D2.3 Conditional dynamics.

D3.10 Plasmon-induced ion coupling.

D3.9 Sensing in hybrid systems.

D3.8 Simulation of state dynamics.

D3.7 Non-classical states in nanoresonators.

D3.6 Schemes for hybrid systems.

D3.5 Comparison between FIB samples and thin films for nanoresonators

D3.4 Master equation for the dynamics of rare-earth ions coupled to mechanical vibrations

D3.3 Effect of strain on Eu3+.

D.3.2 Plasmon launching.

D4.11 Update of the data management plan.

D.4.10 Action check meeting draft agenda.

D4.9 Dissemination report

D4.7 Action check meeting draft agenda

D1.1 Micro cavities

D4.6 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan

D4.5 Mini-summer school

D3.1 Nano-resonators

D2.2 Ensemble coupled to cavity

D2.1 Readout/qubit ion candidates

D1.2 Co-doped nanoparticles

D4.3 Data Management Plan

D4.2 Web site and project logo

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Open positions


There are no more available positions in this project. If you are interested in working with us, you are welcome to contact the coordinating team or any of the partners. We are always searching for motivated candidates for our different research projects.



Project Coordinator:


Dr. Philippe Goldner


Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris

Chimie ParisTech

11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie

75231 Paris cedex 05



Phone: + 33 (0) 1 53 73 79 30 


Project Manager:

Dr. Diana Serrano

Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris

Chimie ParisTech

11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie

75231 Paris cedex 05


Phone: + 33 (0) 1 53 73 79 33

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