Philippe Goldner awarded 'Star of Europe 2020' for NanOQTech
Philippe Goldner receives one of the 'Etoiles de l'Europe' (Stars of Europe) awards from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, for his coordination work in NanOQTech and engagement with EU research. The awards ceremony took place on December 16, 2020.
Article published in Applied Physics Letters
'Precision measurement of electric-field-induced frequency displacements of an ultranarrow optical transition in an ion solid' by S. Zhang, N. Lucic, N. Galland, R. Le Targat, P. Goldner, B. Fnag, S. Seidelin and Y. Lecoq.
NanOQTech research results highlighted by the CNRS National Chemistry Institute
September 23, 2020
Recently published results in ACS Nano have been highlighted in the research news of the CNRS National Chemistry Institute (INC).
Article published in Physical Review X
September 15, 2019
"Coherence Time Extension by Large-Scale Optical Spin Polarization in a Rare-Earth Doped Crystal" by Sacha Welinski, Alexey Tiranov, Moritz Businger, Alban Ferrier, Alban Ferrier and Philippe Goldner.
Article published in Nano Letters
August 25, 2020
"A Frequency-Multiplexed Coherent Electro-optic Memory in Rare Earth Doped Nanoparticles" by Alexandre Fossati, Shuping Liu, Jenny Karlsson, Akio Ikesue, Alexandre Tallaire, Alban Ferrier, Diana Serrano and Philippe Goldner.
Article published in Journal of Physical Chemistry C
August 17, 2020
"Harnessing Atomic Layer Deposition and Diffusion to Spatially Localize Rare-Earth Ion Emitters" by Aban Ferrier, Nao Harada, Marion Scarafagio, Emrick Briand, Jean-Jacques Ganem, Ian Vickridge, Antoine Seyeux, Philippe Marcus, Diana Serrano, Philippe Goldner and Alexandre Tallaire.
Article published in Nature Communications
August 13, 2020
"Fast electrical modulation of strong near-field interactions between erbium emitters and graphene" by D. Cano, A. Ferrier, K. Soundarapandian, A. Reserbat-Plantey, M. Scarafagio, A. Tallaire, A. Seyeux, P. Marcus, H. de Riedmatten, P. Goldner, F. H. L. Koppens, K-J. Tielrooij.
Article published in Journal of Applied Physics
August 03, 2020
"Chemically vapor deposited Eu3+:Y2O3 thin films as a material platform for quantum technologies" by N. Harada, A. Ferrier, D. Serrano, M. Persechino, E. Briand, R. Bachelet, I. Vickridge, J-J. Ganem, P. Goldner and A. Tallaire.
Article published in ACS Nano
July 21, 2020
"Defect Engineering for Quantum Grade Rare-Earth Nanocrystals" by S. Liu, A, Fossati, D. Serrano, A. Tallaire, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner.
Article published in Physical Review Applied
April 07, 2020
"Mechanical tunability of an ultranarrow spectral feature of a rare-earth doped crystal via uniaxial stress" by N. Galland, N. Lučić, B. Fang, S. Zhang, R. Le Targat, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, S. Seidelin and Y. Le Coq.
Article published in Modern Physics Letters B
March 17, 2020
Article published in Physica Status Solidi (a)
February 18, 2020
"Improving the Luminescent Properties of Atomic Layer Deposition Eu:Y2O3 Thin Films through Optimized Thermal Annealing" by M. Scarafagio, A. Tallaire, M-H. Chavanne, M. Cassir, A. Ringuedé, D. Serrano, P. Goldner and A. Ferrier.
Article published in Physical Review A
November 12, 2019
Review article published in Nanophotonics
November 12, 2019
Article published in New Journal of Physics
October 14, 2019
Article published in Journal of Modern Physics
October 11, 2019
Article published in Physical Review B
October 03, 2019
"Coherent optical and spin spectroscopy in nanoscale Pr3+:Y2O3" by D. Serrano, C. Deshmukh, S. Liu, A. Tallaire, A. Ferrier, H. de Riedmatten and P. Goldner.
Industrial workshop
September 16, 2019
NanOQTech members met in Barcelona, last Friday, September 13 during the industrial workshop organized by Keysight Technologies. The journey consisted in several talks, a round table discussion about future of quantum technologies and a demo station.
Article published in Physical Review Letters
September 15, 2019
"Theory of Subradiant States of a One-Dimensional Two-Level Atom Chain" by Y.-X. Zhang and K. Moelmer.
NanOQTech researchers meet in Aarhus
August 08, 2019
CNRS researchers (France) visit Aarhus University (Denmark) in order to finalize the work corresponding to the last deliverables (in particular, work on resonators, and how to use them for creating non-classical states, or as force sensors).
In the picture, from left to right: Signe Seidelin (CNRS-IN), Yuxiang Zhang (AU), Kamanasish Debnath (AU), Yann Le Coq (CNRS-SY) and Klaus
Article published in PRA
July 24, 2019
"Rapid cooling of a strain-coupled oscillator by an optical phase-shift"measurement" by S. Seidelin, Y. Le Coq and K. Moelmer.
NanOQTech members meet in Paris
June 30, 2019
NanOQTech members reunited in Paris on July 1-2 2019 for the annual consortium meeting. The progress of the project towards the different objectives was thouroughtfully discussed. The exchanges where as usual, very fruitful and encouraging.
Marion Scarafagio wins best oral presentation at EuroCVD 2019
June 27, 2019
Marion Scarafagio, third year PhD student at CNRS-CP, has been awarded best oral presentation of his session at the EuroCVD 22-Baltic ALD 16 conference. She presented a talk entitled: "Eu or Er doped Y2O3 thin films grown with ALD with optimized properties for quantum technologies". EuroCVD 22-Baltic ALD 16 took place in Luxembourg on 24-28 June 2019 gathering experts on thin film technologies.
NanOQTech researchers meet in Barcelona
May 22, 2019
CNRS researchers (from CNRS IN and CNRS SY) visit the Barcelona laboratories in order to discuss the final part of the EU project, give scientific talks, as well as visiting the laboratories.
In the picture:
Hugues de Riedmatten provides a tour of his labs. From left to right: Chetan Deshmukh, Hugues de Riedmatten, Signe Seidelin, Yann Le Coq and Bernado Casabone.
May 22, 2019
In the picture:
Klaas-Jan Tielrooij (left) introduces the speakers Yann Le Coq (middle) and Signe Seidelin (right) for their talks at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2).
Article published in ACS Photonics
"Surface Plasmon Launching by Polariton Superradiance" by Y-X. Zhang, Y. Zhang and K. Moelmer.
Article published in J. Phys. Chem. C
May 03, 2019
"Ultrathin Eu- and Er-Doped Y2O3 Films with Optimized Optical Properties for Quantum Technologies" by M. Scarafaggio, A. Tallaire, K.J. Tielrooij, D. Cano, A. Grishin, M-H Chavanne, F. H. L. Koppens, A. Ringuedé, M. Cassir, D. Serrano, P. Goldner and A. Ferrier.
New micro-resonator for WP3
April 03, 2019
New micro-resonator recently fabricated at Nanofab at the NEEL institute (CNRS-IN) with the assistance of Jean-François Motte and Jérôme Debray, starting from bulk crystals grown at CNRS-CP. The current structure is currently being prepared for measurements at SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris (CNRS-SY), see photo (by Bess Fang and Signe Seidelin, in the ctop cleanroom). The sample is developed for testing spectral hole burning in FIB etched structures with variable thickness.
NanOQTech researchers meet secondary school teachers in Paris
March 19, 2019
As a part of the CNRS event: "National day of scientific training in chemistry", a group of nine secondary school teachers participated in scientific workshops organized by Diana Serrano (CNRS-CP) and supervised by NanOQTech's junior researchers. Among others, they took part in the chemical synthesis of rare-earth doped nanoparticles and participated in several optical spectroscopy experiments. NanOQTech's context and goals were also discussed during the visit. In the picture: Alexandre Fossati showing the Europium luminescence from just synthesized nanoparticles.
Best oral presentation award for Alexandre Fossati (CNRS-CP)
December 21, 2018
Alexandre Fossati (CNRS-CP) has been awarded with the "best oral presentation" at the Paris graduate school yearly meeting, where he presented his PhD thesis work on rare-earth doped nanoparticles synthesis and coherent spectroscopy. Marion Scarafagio (CNRS-CP) also presented her PhD work in a talk entitled: "Elaboration by ALD of europium doped yttrium oxide films for quantum technologies". In the picture: Alexandre Fossati during the poster session.
CNRS - AU exchange
December 19, 2018
Yann Le Coq (CNRS/LNE-Syrte) and Signe Seidelin (CNRS/NEEL/UGA) are currently visiting Klaus Mølmer and Yu-Xiang Zhang at Aarhus University. The goal is to progress on the theory for the work-package 3 of the NanOQTech project, in particular how to cool a nano-resonator, and use it as a force-sensor. From left to right: Yann Le Coq, Yu-Xiang Zhang, Signe Seidelin and Klaus Mølmer.
Article published in RCS Advances
November 11, 2018
"Controlled size reduction of rare earth doped nanoparticles for optical quantum technologies" by S. Liu, D. Serrano, A. Fossati, A. Tallaire, A. Ferrier and P. Goldner.
October 23, 2018
The 13th edition of the "Rare-earth ions workshop" was hold in Geneva between October 24 and October 26. Most NanOQTech's partners were represented in the workshop, with talks were given by Signe Seidelin (CNRS-IN), David Hunger (KIT), Shuping Liu (CNRS-CP), Philippe Goldner (CNRS-CP), Bernardo Casabone (ICFO-QP) and Chungyan Shi (ULUND).
Chimie ParisTech science fair 2018
October 11, 2018
As every year, the Chimie ParisTech Science Fair opened its doors, this time on October 13-14, 2018. As in the two previous editions, the IRCP NanOQTech team presented an outreach stand with live experiments where the visitors could see optical materials and effects like light guiding by a water jet (as in telecom optical fibers), or the difference between fluorescence and scatteringphenomena. People of all ages attended the event. This is a great occasion for the youngest to approach science while having fun.
Consortium meeting 2018
October 03, 2019
A new consortium meeting was held on Paris, on October 4-5 2018. This was a new occasion for the NanOQTech partners to meet and discuss the latest results. It was also the opportunity for recently recruited members to meet the different partners. Among them Kelvin Chung (KIT) and Mario Persechino (CNRS-CP), the last to join the project as postdocs.
New articles published in Physical Review A!
October 02, 2018
"Multistate and multihypothesis discrimination with open quantum systems" by Alexander Holm Kiilerich and Klaus Mølmer.
"Dicke phase transition in a disordered emitter–graphene-plasmon system" by Yu-Xiang Zhang, Yuan Zhang, and Klaus Mølmer.
ICFO-QP / CNRS-CP exchange
September 27, 2018
Chetan Deshmukh, PhD student at ICFO-QP spent two weeks in Paris at CNRS-CP, performing low temperature spectroscopy experiments on ceramics and rare-earth doped nanoparticles. This is the second visit of the young researcher to Paris since the beginning of the project.
Article published in Nature Communications
May 29, 2018
"All-optical control of long-lived nuclear spins in rare-earth doped nanoparticles" by D. Serrano, J. Karlsson, A. Fossati, A. Ferrier and P. Goldner.
This article appears featured at the CNRS National Chemistry Intitute website (link in french)
Pr. Hugues de Riedmatten doubly awarded
March 15, 2018
Pr. Hugues de Riedmatten, group leader at ICFO-QP and working on NanOQTech's WPs 1 and 2 has much to celebrate! He has been awarded the "Premi Ciutat de Barcelona 2017 in Experimental Sciences and Technology" as well as the 2nd prize "Vanguardia de la Ciencia" (Science avant-garde). Congratulations!
Article published in Journal of Inorganic and General Chemistry (ZAAC)
January 29, 2018
The research article "Recent Advances in Rare Earth Doped Inorganic Crystalline Materials for Quantum Information Processing" by N. Kunkel and P. Goldner (Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2/2018) appears featured at the cover page of the journal. Congratulations!
ICFO-CNRS-CP exchange
December 10, 2017
Chetan Deshmukh (ICFO-QP) joined the Paris team during two weeks. A series of photon echo and spectral hole burning experiments on Y2O3 ceramics were carried out yielding promising results.
The 'quantum supremacy' race
November 13, 2017
IBM researcher Edwin Pednault was doing the dishes one evening when he came to the realization that qubits are a lot like the bristles of a scrubbing brush. What he dubbed as a “seemingly inconsequential moment” became the basis of a fault-tolerance theory which makes the 50-qubit quantum computer possible.
Science Fair 2017 @ Chimie ParisTech
October 13, 2017
CNRS-CP researchers participated in the 2017 Science Fair, held at Chimie ParisTech on October 14-15. The fair consists on scientific demonstrations for general public. The luminiscent properties of rare-earth materials were outlined in the demonstrations.
Nanoresonators experts meet in Grenoble
October 08, 2017
Meeting at the NEEL institute (CNRS-IN) with research engineer Jean-François Motte who is expert in the Focused Ion Beam (FIB) techniques used for fabricating the YSO resonators for WP3. Current samples and improvements for future samples were discussed. On the photo, from left to right: Yann Le Coq (CNRS-SY), Signe Seidelin (CNRS-IN), Jean-François Motte and Gwénaëlle Julie (NEEL Nanofab).
Rare-earth ion workshop at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
September 26, 2017
David Hunger (KIT) organized a rare-earth ion devoted workshop on September 27,28 2017. The workshop counted with the presence of the most prominent scientific personanlities in the field on rare-earth based quantum technologies. All NanOQTech partners were represented.
NanOQTech at JNCO'17
September 20, 2017
NanOQTech fellows Marion Scarafagio and Alexandre Fossati presented their research work at the National Days of Crystals for Optics (JNCO'17), organized by the CMDO-CNRS network from September 4th to 6th. This meeting gathers specialists in crystal growth, spectroscopy, nanostructures and devices for optics.
ICFO - AU exchange
September 14, 2017
Daniel Cano (ICFO) visited Aarhus's colleagues on July 10-12. The exchange was very productive with discussions focussing on ways to inject excitations into the graphene plasmons. In the picture, Yuxiang Zhang (blackboard), Daniel Cano and Yuan Zhang (left).
NanOQTech at ICL'17
September 05, 2017
Philippe Goldner presented a plenary lecture at the International Conference on Luminescence (ICL 2017) which took place in João Pessoa, Brazil, from August 27th to September 1st 2017. The talk entitled "Rare Earth Doped Nanostructures: Quantum Leaps for Optical Technologies'' gave an overview of the developments on rare earth based nanoscale systems for optical quantum technologies.
Article published in Optics Express
June 22, 2017
"Dispersive heterodyne probing method for laser frequency stabilization based on spectral hole burning in rare-earth doped crystals" by O. Gobron, K. Jung, N. Galland, K. Predehl, R. Le Targat, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, S. Seidelin, and Y. Le Coq
Public conference by Klaus Moelmer at Chimie ParisTech (VF)
May 02, 2017
Klaus Moelmer performed a succesful public conference in which he explained the principles of the quantum computer in front of a broad audience. Definively, the topic creates a lot of interest and expectation as the amphitheater was full (more than 300 registrations) and the public had a lot of questions for Klaus after the talk.
CNRS - AU exchange
March 05, 2017
Klaus Mølmer hosted a series of theory discussions concerning work-package 3 at Aarhus University. Yann Le Coq (LNE SYRTE - Paris), Signe Seidelin (Institut NEEL) and AU NanOQTech postdoc Yuxiang Zhang were present, and participated in the discussions. Laboratory visits (optomechanics, trapped-ion and cold atom experiments) also took place.
Article published in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
February 07, 2017
"Nuclear spin coherence properties of 151Eu3+ and 153Eu3+ in a Y2O3 transparent ceramic", by J. Karlsson, N. Kunkel, A. Ikesue, A. Ferrier and P. Goldner
Article published in Nano Letters
January 17, 2017
"Optical Line Width Broadening Mechanisms at the 10 kHz Level in Eu3+:Y2O3 Nanoparticles", by J. G. Bartholomew, K. de Oliveira Lima, A. Ferrier and P. Goldner.
Presentation at the 7th IQFA's Colloquium in Paris
November 21, 2016
A poster entitled 'Towards bulk crystal coherence times in Eu3+ :Y2O3 nanocrystals' was presented by Jenny Karlsson (CNRS-CP) during the 7th IQFA's Colloquium in Paris on quantum information processing. The Colloquium took place at Telecom ParisTech from November 16 to 18, 2016.
The Big Bell Test (BBT), a unique quantum physics experiment!
November 29, 2016
The last November 30th took place the "The BIG Bell Test (BBT)", a worldwide project to bring human unpredictability (randomness) to a real physics experiment. If you did not participate in the real Bell Test, last November 30, 2016, you can always check your quantum randomness skills playing "The Big Bell Quest" game.
CNRS-CP / KIT exchange
December 07, 2016
Philippe Goldner and Jenny Karlsson (CNRS-CP) visited David Hunger’s group (KIT) at LMU in Munich, where the KIT's partner experimental work is still taking place before moving to Karlsruhe. After P. Goldner’s seminar on Stark echo modulation memories in rare earth crystals, discussions focused on WP1 work and especially on europium doped nanoparticles coupled to optical fiber micro-cavities. The main outcome was the characteristics of the new samples to be produced by CNRS-CP and the design of future experiments with cavities. The visit finished with a lab tour where the cavity fabrication and the low temperature cavity experiments were thoroughly explained.
New equipment for WP3
December 14, 2016
NanOQTech Ph.D. student Nicolas Galland mounting a new ultrastable cavity for WP3 related experiments.
Article published in Physical Review A
November 01, 2016
The research article "Dispersive coupling between light and a rare-earth-ion–doped mechanical resonator", by NanoQTech partners Klaus Mølmer, Yann Le Coq, and Signe Seidelin is online
CNRS-IN / UA exchange
December 21, 2016
Signe Seidelin (Institut NEEL) visited Klaus Mølmer's group at Aarhus University. Klaus Mølmer is leading the theoretical efforts in the NanOQTech project, and the goal of the discussions was to plan the next steps of the NEEL and SYRTE experiments (part of WP3) based on theoretical considerations, and vice versa. A theory work-program taking into consideration the experimental challenges - identified over the last few months- was outlined, and the best strategy to overcome these challenges identified.
Seminar by Jenny Karlsson at IRCP (Paris)
January 18, 2017
Jenny Karlsson presented a seminar entitled "Coherence properties of rare earth doped nanoparticles - Towards smarter materials for quantum technologies". It presents results on coherent spectroscopy of rare earth doped nanoparticles as well as background information on quantum information and coherence aimed at a non specialised audience
NanOQTech kick-off meeting
October 20, 2016
NanOQTech kick-off meeting was held on October 19 & 20, 2016 at Chimie ParisTech (Paris, France). It gathered all partners for about one day and a half to discuss recent scientific developments and the planning and coordination of the project.